2020 was a year filled with challenges, difficult decisions with new unknowns, and differing opinions. It was also a year with opportunities, with growth, with a renewed sense and commitment to values and to each other. For us at MasterLube we saw some incredible personal achievements and new beginnings.

Team members who purchased their first homes for their families (Bryttnee and Chris)

MasterLube Turning 40

Whose families grew by one with beautiful new additions (Kenny and Tyras)

Got married (Natalie)

Launched into their future career in banking (Ambrosia) and graduated from Montana Beauty Institute and opened their own business (Shelbi)

We even saw one team member do something that hadn’t been accomplished in roughly 20 years (maybe longer) when Kyler serviced over 100 vehicles in the pit, on his own, in a single day (103 on July 3rd)!

These individual accomplishments accompanied some great team accomplishments as well, serving as many or more customers some days with fewer people than we have in many years, made possible because of the teamwork, commitment, and trust in each other and in how we do things. When colleagues have been home on quarantine, leaving the stores short-handed, our teams picked up the pieces, picked up each other, and served our communities and travelers through with a smile… and a few ice-cream sandwiches…

MasterLube is Turning 40 on Tuesday (February 16th) and in the grand scheme of things 2020 is a small blip in the 40 years since MasterLube was founded on 24th Street West in Billings. It’s been one of those years that has required holding two thoughts simultaneously in our minds. One that things are changing fast and we have to adjust, take care of each other, and make the best decisions we can with the information we have… And the second that staying true to principles, to our values, and our purpose will lead us through and we will be better for it. There have been changes over the last 40 years and there will surely be more during the next 40 years, more challenges to push through and grow from, more stories that we feel are worth sharing, more Grad Day’s and community partnership events, more give-a-ways for trips and fun items, and more Alumni heading off towards their dreams after getting everything we can offer during their time with us. We will continue to focus on who we are and what we are about:

Making Life Better for People. For ourselves and each other, for our customers and guests, for our vendors and partners, and for the communities in which we live, work, and serve. We’re excited for 2021 and for the next 40 years.