This is something I have wanted for a long time. A place where we can talk to each other.
It began as a place to ask questions about MasterLube, like “Why don’t you use coupons?” and “What’s your training program about?” but it quickly grew to include more interesting subjects.
We will have conversations with Rod Davidson, Terry Palm, Cali Freier, and Abby Martinsen; followed by other cool people like Russ Cherry, Elizabeth Klarich, Craig Godfrey, Rick Robinson, and perhaps an occasional international personage.
Like friends at a dinner party, there will be several conversations going on at the same time. And like any good party, there will be some people you know better than others, but by the end of the evening…
Like any good conversation, there will be a place where you can respond, keep the conversation going, or change the subject if you choose.
So welcome to the party! Join in. It won’t be much of a conversation without you!
Bill Simmons
PS. If you still want to talk about MasterLube, we can do that as well.

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Ladies in Leadership
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Meet Michelle – A celebration of the lady behind the scenes
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From the Mouths of Babes & Grandfathers
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Cliff Potts Art Show 2016
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Getting to Know You: Multi-talented Luber shares his creativity
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