Oct 24, 2019
30 years ago central Europe stood up for freedom, for liberty, for eachother when they chose to rally as a people against the oppressive communist rule of the Soviet Union over the area. In Czecho-Slovakia, later seperated into two seperate free states in 1993, that...
Mar 27, 2019
World class musicians Jozef Luptak and Robert Cohen are widely known for their musical talents, teaching, and community efforts throughout Central Europe. Luptak and Cohen played together in Billings in January 2018 and were warmly welcomed by our community.They are...
Oct 16, 2018
Slovak musicians Jozef Luptak, cello, and Boris Lenko, accordion, are widely known throughout Europe for their musical talent. Luptak and Lenko played Billings in 2015 and 2016 to numerous standing ovations. They are thrilled to return to the community’s appreciative...
Nov 29, 2016
Renowned cellist Jozef Lupták and accordionist Boris Lenko are thrilled to return to Billings for a special one-night-only encore performance. Dr. Jen Bratz, Associate Professor of Music at Rocky Mountain College will join the two international stars on piano. Lupták...
Mar 1, 2016
Slovak musicians, Jozef Luptak, cello, Boris Lenko, accordion, Milos Valent, violin-viola, and Rabbi Baruch Myers, piano and voice, are widely known throughout Europe for their Chassidic music. Luptak and Lenko played Billings in November to numerous standing...
Feb 23, 2016
Slovak musicians, Jozef Luptak, cello, Boris Lenko, accordion, Milos Valent, violin-viola, and Rabbi Baruch Myers, piano and voice, are widely known throughout Europe for their Chassidic music. Luptak and Lenko played Billings in November to numerous standing...